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Submissions update!

Hello lovely writers and authors! We have news from the submissions desk. Unfortunately, we will no longer be accepting postal submissions. I know, it’s sad news! We do apologise, but due to a lack of space and the wellbeing of our editorial team, we can no longer accommodate a mountain of physical manuscripts in the office. It’s threatening to topple over and, trust us, squashed editors, aren’t happy editors.

We are, of course, still accepting manuscripts via email submission. Please read our guidelines before you submit, watch the video of our lovely editor, Kimara, and check the checklist!

If you do send us a submission through the post as of today (Wednesday 18th May) WE WILL NOT READ IT. We will return it to you if you have included a self addressed envelope, but if you haven’t then it will be disposed off. So please, please, please, submit by email, we don’t like destroying potential books!

All postal submissions have now been replied to. If you would like to query a previous submission or check if we still have your manuscript, then please contact us via the submission enquiry.

We hope to read lots of new email submissions from you all very soon, in our now very, spacious office!