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‘Really fresh and different from the others on the market’ My Book Corner goes Bonkers About Beetroot!

Emily Ann Davison has just posted a great review on My Book Corner for Bonkers About Beetroot by Cath Jones and illustrated by Chris Jevons:

‘Every so often, a picture book comes along that feels really fresh and different from the others on the market, and ‘Bonkers about Beetroot’ is one of them! There are so many things to love about the book, that it is hard to know where to start.

The extra details that have been put into Bonkers about Beetroot are fantastic. On the back of the front cover, you have a page full of newspaper headlines about the story and among them you will find the author’s and illustrator’s dedications. The newspaper headlines are a reoccurring theme throughout the story, right up until the back page, so make sure you read every page!

Not only is Bonkers about Beetroot a fun and entertaining read, there is also an educational aspect to it too. I love the dialogue about what manure is and the spread which shows how a plant grows from a tiny seed. This picture book would be a perfect one to use in schools when doing topics about growing and vegetables.’

Thanks, Emily Ann!

Bonkers About Beetroot Spread 2 LR RGB JPEG

Read the full review here

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