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Lou Treleaven on BBC Three Counties Radio

Lou Treleaven appeared on Nick Coffer’s show on BBC Three Counties Radio on Monday this week to talk all about her debut picture book Professor McQuark and the Oojamaflip. 



Nick said: “What stood out to me, as a School Governer and a dad to a girl, is a positive, science role model as the lead character in the book. It’s harder to get girls to engage with science and it’s something that schools are trying to remedy, so having a positive science role model is a really important thing.” 

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He then contrinued to say: “Consider this book fully endorsed by my two children, I really loved it.”

Listen to her interview here at the 40 minute mark.

Professor McQuark and the Oojamaflip was released yesterday, buy your copy here!

Check out everything Professor McQuark at her very own website!