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Little Parachutes loves the message and the humour in Rooster Wore Skinny Jeans!

New reviewer Little Parachutes, just a stones throw away from the Maverick office here in Horsham, posted a fantastic review for Rooster Wore Skinny Jeans by Jessie Miller and illustrated by Barbara Bakos:

An entertaining and amusing story that encourages children to be comfortable with and proud of who they are.

By using rhyming couplets throughout the book, the author creates a sing-song quality to the tale. Eye-catching illustrations draw the in the eye, whilst the use of cheeky, fun language that will entertain young children, adds to its humour. The message that we can be ourselves is clearly and humorously made.’

Thank you! The fan base for this delightful and quirky book is growing by leaps and bounds!

Rooster Wore Skinny Jeans Cover LR RGB JPEG

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