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‘Fun and engaging with a silliness that children will love’ Review by What’s Good to Read about Teachers on Pluto

Lovely review from What’s Good to Read about Teachers on Pluto by Lou Treleaven, author of the Penpals on Pluto series.

‘Overall, Teachers on Pluto is a children’s book that I really enjoyed. While it is not a story in the traditional sense with chapters and formal structure, it is told in the form of letters, postcards and newspaper clippings which is quite unusual and interesting. Each page is different in layout and style and is an excellent way of keeping a young readers attention. Jon and his mum write letters to each other, while his gran communicates with him via postcards. There are also public announcements in the form of posters and newspaper announcements and even a report from the class robot.

Another plus is that there are plenty of “nonsense” words such as snargler, vomblefruit, Flumpenslurp Burble, skwitches and more that will help children put their phonics comprehension to work.

The story is easy to follow, easy to read and humorous – especially the exchanges between Jon and his adrenaline junkie gran (pod racing, sky diving, parachuting etc.)!

Teachers on Pluto is definitely a book younger readers will enjoy, and would be good for reluctant readers and the format is quite unusual and unique and not overwhelming.

Fun and engaging with a silliness that children will love.’

You can read the full review here.

Thank you for your kind review What’s Good to Read Team.

You can read all three of the books in our Penpals to Pluto series: Letter to Pluto, Homework on Pluto and Teachers on Pluto by placing an order on Hive.