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‘Eventful story that is brought to life with plenty of lively illustrations’ The Letterpress Project reviews Arlo, Mrs Ogg and the Dinosaur Zoo!

Karen at The Letterpress Project recently posted a cracking review for Summer Reading Challenge 2018 title Arlo, Mrs Ogg and the Dinosaur Zoo by Alice Hemming with illustrations by Kathryn Durst:

Arlo Mrs Ogg and the Dinosaur Zoo Cover LR RGB JPEG

Apart from liking Arlo and the other interesting characters, I really enjoyed this eventful story that is brought to life with plenty of lively illustrations. It is packed with interesting information about dinosaurs and also provides opportunities for talking about what happens in schools, and what doesn’t. I rather think that most children would like a teacher like Mrs Ogg who has faith in their abilities and gives lots of encouragement, although perhaps she is a little bit too unconventional for more than a few weeks. Luckily she is soon followed by Miss Pythia who is going to be their teacher the following year. She seems very promising because, as Arlo writes in his notebook:

‘ We’ve just met her but I can tell that things are going to be ‘ interesting’ She seems to know exactly what is happening without looking. Almost as if she has special powers …’

I think that there will probably be another story on the horizon to tell us much more about this.

Thank you!

Read the full review here and buy a copy here